Day One


Today’s homework for the Sprint is: 

  • What is your money goal for the sprint, that feels the right mix of realistic, achievable but also stretchy and exciting for you?

  • What ONE offer are you going to sell. At what price point? (What do your audience want and need most right now, that you feel excited to show up and sell?)

  • How are you going to position your offer to be as attractive as possible to the right people during the sprint? (What is the benefit, solution, outcome and why should they buy it now? And remember emotion, logic and urgency) 

Day Two


Today’s homework for the Sprint is: 

  • Do a storytelling post on social media, talking about what you do, why it maters, how you got started, why you do it, and/or celebrating your clients. Storytelling is a powerful connector and so important on social media this year as it really stands out from AI generated content. Also post a pic of yourself.

  • Download my leads tracker here, add at least 5 names to it that you feel are a good fit for your offer and send personal outreach messages, asking if they'd like to see details of your offer.

  • Post a lead generating post that starts with a question about the specific result or outcome that you are selling - e.g. some example questions: 'Would you like to make more sales over the next 30 days?', 'Would you like to launch your podcast this year?', 'Would you love to write a book?', 'Are you searching for the perfect gift?', 'Is attending a transformational retreat on your wish list for 2024?', 'Do you love the idea of yoga but never got started as you don't feel flexible enough?'. Then the CTA 'If so, I have something that you do NOT want to miss. Drop me an emoji/GIF/comment below or DM me the words 'I'm ready' I'd you'd like more details.

Day Three


I have set three tasks today. You can do the first post and then if you want to layer on the second and/or the third, depending on what is working best for you. (The more you put into lead generation, the more leads and inquiries you will see coming in)

  • Share a case study/review/testimonial (these massively build trust) make it relevant to your sprint offer and with a call to action such as if you are interested in achieving results/outcomes/experiences like this, then I have a special offer for you. Comment below or DM me the word offer (or whatever word feels fun and relevant to your offer) (This can either be one review written by a clients, or a story written by you celebrating your client(s), or a greatest hits style compilation) if appropriate share images too. This is powerful.
  • This afternoon, if you want more leads and inquiries, do a very direct post - eg ‘I have two spaces available for X kind of person who wants to achieve X kind od result in X timeframe, so you can benefit & benefit. If this is you DM me the word ready / sales / health / change (or whatever is relevant to your offer) and I’ll send you the info on my special offer for you. Now look, this is basic but friends, in moderation, it works, especially when backed up another screenshot of testimonials or other proof
  • Bonus task - If you sent your 5 DMs yesterday and you have more ppl you can think that would be a good fit for your offer send more DMs today! Personal outreach is so important in this noisy world. People love the personal touch this really makes the difference.

Bonus Sprint


Today’s homework for the Sprint is: 

  • Complete all of the Sales Sprint tasks from Days 1-3

  • Make sure you have accessed your leads tracker at and recorded your leads so you can follow up with all of them

Create Your Sales Success Masterclass Replay


Watch the video above where I share the things that have been game-changing for me and helped me to: 

  • 2.2x my revenue from 2022 to 2023 

  • Build monthly recurring revenue 

  • Fill my high ticket offers and have a wait list for 121 for most of the last 12 months 

  • All while working part time, travelling and taking 10 weeks worth of school holidays off

What's Next:

Introducing - The Sales Membership

The Sales Membership…

Whether you're just starting out or ready to scale, I have 3 tiers available, one of which could be perfectly suited to your journey. 

Imagine being surrounded by a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, all dedicated to growing their sales with integrity and heart. From foundational strategies to advanced tactics, this membership has it all.

From just £25 a month The Sales Membership isn't just another course, programme, or the latest shiny object that demands countless hours without clear returns. Instead, what I'm offering is a straightforward path to action and tangible ROI - and fast. 

In fact, It's not unusual for my members to recoup their investment in just a matter of days by implementing the strategies and taking consistent action. 

Click here for more information