£3,600 (inc VAT)

Work with Anna 121 - The Sales Boost

Work on your goals, your offer suite and pricing, your messaging and then your sales action plan, covering the full customer journey. We’ll work through my six-step VALUE Sales Framework and use my Sales First Methodology, with focus on exactly where you need it, whether that is messaging and visibility, audience building, establishing your authority, launching or generating leads and inquiries that convert. 

This is your time and you will have three hours of my undivided attention either in person or online, to work exactly where you need it. Leave with clear sales goals and personalised strategic action steps to achieve them. You will then have three follow up calls to support you to implement and refine your strategy. 

What You Will Get:

  • Pre-call detailed questionnaire 
  • I will review your social media and website/sales pages so I arrive armed and ready with suggestions for you to implement
  • 3 hours with me online or in person Edinburgh (in Edinburgh will include lunch and refreshments) 
  • 3 x 1:1 Follow up 45 minute calls which can be booked in the next 12 weeks after the initial session.
  • Pay in full or pay in 3 x £1230 (must be paid in full or first monthly instalment paid before first session)